This are my first tomatoes. I am so happy the deer have decided to let me keep them (they have eaten the rose blossoms instead). Last night I had a big plate of fresh tomatoes (from the next door neighbors) and my own basil, drizzled with olive oil. I now have fresh frozen corn in the little freezer.
My new friend Ike came yesterday and built the box steps of the the shed I am calling RedTop. They are exactly like the photograph I showed him and I am thrilled. He helped me fix the front door too, which was coming apart. Now the lock works well, and the metal and trim is newly secured. Funny, how wonderful the tiny successes are when all things are essential in your living environment. I like this life and I am as happy as I can remember. It is simple and I am lacking only perhaps in access to my library of books. But having DSL here in Rosy is almost as good. I do not miss the television at all. I feel just full of gratitude and faith today.
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