Saturday, July 4, 2009

It is the 4th of July. The island is sunny and there's a breeze. My neighbor, Fred, brought me a watermelon, and some corn and tomatoes. He picked produce for one of the island growers yesterday. What a terrific day yesterday was!

I have a new friend who came and helped me get the resolve the most pressing need: it seems as the air conditioner on top of my little RV named Rosy is placed in the center of the roof, right over the door. Since the awning was not extended due to some wind damage last summer, water was dripping on my head every time I entered the door. The dog was bringing muddy footprints in, and cleaning the floor every minute was getting old. I met my friend Ike in the building supply about a month ago. He is a renovation contractor and works on the old Plantation houses on the island. I went in to ask around to see if they could help me discover how to secure my soon to arrive 8ft x 14ft shed, just in case high winds came this season. He happened to be there buying something, and the saleswoman pointed to him. I call it serenidity.

He graciously drove by and called me in Charlotte in early June to confirm the news when I heard that my little red tinned house was indeed there already. (I had not paid the kind gentleman I contracted with to build it, so I was surprised. I like this on trust way of doing business. How refreshing!) Yesterday afternoon, Ike had some free time in the afternoon and stopped and carefully examined my problem. Slowly, and step by step, he figured out each piece of the puzzle, and we succeeded in unrolling the awning and after a trip to the hardware store, we created an in ground securing system and even a new direction for any future water. I am thrilled. Today I sit inside in the shade with only my fans on - it is only 88 degrees today, hurray. People are like this out here. Is it a country thing? Or a southern kindness. For whatever reason, I feel quite blessed by grace.

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