I am living out in the country, my Gullah neighbor Fred reminds me. On a wide, soft dirt road, surrounded by more trees and birds, and deer than people. The rural part is more important I think than the ocean part. But living here is surprising me in ways I did not expect. In six weeks my perspective has shifted.
Yesterday my copy of Living Magazine arrived. I have always admired Martha Stewart's creativity, drive and love of beauty. But the pictures in it, as I sat looking at it yesterday while I waited my turn at the driver's licensing office in the nearby town, is so fancy now, and the images looked a little foreign. My eyes see anew. For real! I have new people in my life bearing gifts of time and talent. I need less than I ever imagined and happiness is noticing that the birds begin singing only as the first light gently begins in the trees, watching frogs, feeling the wind pick up with the tide.
Trusting in the call, I suppose, was the most difficult part of getting here, which took me 18 months. I doubted my commitment to this land when it was a struggle. But being here is one of the most reassuring feelings I can remember. I am simply filled with awe at my good fortune on this summer morning.