Tuesday, March 30, 2010


"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it." - Rumi

This sun is out, shining her warm growing heat on the earth this morning, and luckily, on me. I am in North Carolina, in Charlotte, the city of my name, and the blossoms are everywhere: redbuds, daffodils, cherry trees! The pale pink snow all over the streets wafting like waves on the streets, in the air.

Ah, spring, your newness is such a gift to me this year. I am so awake to see and ever grateful. I decided a little over two weeks ago to quit drinking red wine. Being really aware is the only way to get the lessons life is trying to teach me right now. Emotions rolling in like waves, and I am not running away. This feels like such an enormous step. How grateful I am for the strength at this very moment to have the courage to stand still and let the waves hit. Sweet center, thank you. Sweet rhythms of earth, thank you.

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