Thursday, June 19, 2008


I awoke in the night, feeling hopeless and inadequate. That being an artist was not enough. My next door neighbor here on this island lives with a blue plastic tarp on his roof to keep out the rain, and his sewage system is inadequate.
In my email were voices mirroring my own despair, from the Art 21 project. Watching the video clips, here, in the middle of the night, helps me put my own anguish in perspective.

New Orleans is a sister city, similar in many ways to my barrier island in South Carolina.

"Mel Chin describes the origins and motivations behind the nationwide art project Paydirt in a keynote address to the 2008 National Art Education Association Convention, and visits multiple sites in New Orleans adversely affected by both Hurricane Katrina and lead contamination in the soil.

The high lead content of soil in New Orleans — among the worst in the country — was exacerbated by the havoc wreaked by the hurricane in 2005. Discovering that “the disaster was in the soil before the disaster,” Chin felt he had to do something about it as an artist. Speaking before a crowd of thousands of art educators from across the country, Chin recounts, “I remember standing in the ruins of the Ninth Ward and realizing as a creative individual that I felt hopeless and inadequate. And I was flooded by this terrible insecurity that being an artist was not enough to deal with the tragedy that was before me.” Thus Paydirt, and its sister initiative, the Fundred Dollar Bill Project was born."

Monday, June 16, 2008

what is swimming below

"Perhaps - I say perhaps because I do not know how to reflect except by opening my mind like a glass bottomed boat so that I can watch what is swimming below"
Robert Motherwell

Ah, beauty. And what is underneath. Motherwell goes on to say that "painting becomes sublime when the artist transcends his personal anguish, when he projects in the midst of a shrieking world an expression of living and its end that is silent and ordered..."

Today I am awed by beauty. That is enough.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where love rules.

"Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other." Carl Jung

I like to tell my friends that when one door closes, another one opens. It is of course, the message I need to hear this week, as I reel from the spin of disappointment, leaving a job I considered a dream. Oh grace, I know you will meet me.

Within these gracious gates of live oaks on my beloved Allee de Lune, I wait.